Cybersecurity: Your Digital Security Resource

Cybersecurity: Your Digital Security Resource


Cybersecurity is the way to provide protection to your devices and networks to save you from cyberattacks to prevent access of unauthorized data and malfunctioning of applications. It has different names like computer security, digital security and information technology security. In this digital world, it is very important to be awared of cybersecurity for the safety of your stored information and many more.

Different Types of Cybersecurity

  • Network security

    • Implemented to secure computer network

    • Helpful in preventing unauthorized access

    • Provides protection to organization assets from cyber attacks

    • Ensures safety of data from intruders and targeted attackers

  •  Application security

    • Update applications regularly to ensure security

    • Protect mobile and web applications

    • Helpful in avoiding unwanted threats

  • Information security

    • Ensure security of data by fixing the access within in an organization.

  • Identity management

    • Procedure of handling and deciding to protect data safely

    • To fix how and where the data will be shared or saved.

  • Operational security

    • Procedure of handling and deciding to protect data safely

    • To fix how and where the data will be shared or saved.

  • Cloud Security

    • Protects stored data on a cloud applications.

    •  Prevention of multiple attacks

Types of Cybersecurity Threats

1. Protect organizations from cybercriminal's attacks.
2. Helpful in avoiding breach of data and unauthorized access.
3. Prevent entry of suspicious files.
4. Helps in quick recovery after a data breach.
5. Provides protection to endpoint and user.
6. Increase reliability
7. Maintain company's reputation.


What do we need cybersecurity?

We need cybersecurity to protect important stored data and devices from cybercriminals in this digital environment. 

What are latest cyber threats?

Romance scams, Emotet malware and Dridex malware are latest cyber threats.

What are the tips for a cyber safety?

You can ensure cyber safety by making aware end-users more about cybersecurity, updating applications regularly, using antivirus software and many more.